Statistically, Your Company Culture Sucks...
Because nearly two-thirds of employees* consider their workplaces toxic.
And crappy company cultures cause organizations like yours to lose talented people,
high-potential leaders, and – eventually – customers.
How do leaders fully understand the impact their company culture has on retention, customer service, productivity, and profits?
What are your culture pain points?
Watch this five-minute video by Mark Babbitt and Chris Edmonds, authors of the bestselling book Good Comes First, to learn five classic culture pain points most leaders face – and five quick culture wins you can implement TODAY.

Want to ensure these quick wins aren't just achievable, but sustainable? Maybe even contagious?
Download our FREE Culture Leader's Quick Start Guide...

From Kris Malkoskl
CEO of Home Solutions, Newell Brands
"This is an essential tool for building organizations where transparency and trust are constant and teamwork and respect are contagious. I use these principles to drive employee engagement, satisfaction, and business growth!"

This FREE Guide, based on the Amazon best-selling book, Good Comes First, will help you transform your company culture!
Instant download on the next page AND quickly delivered to your email inbox
Previously sold for $97... But too important to keep out of as many leader's hands as possible
Includes TWO FREE BONUSES - the Culture Cornerstones Quiz and a Culture Change Checklist
Mark Babbitt and Chris Edmonds leveraged their 50+ years of combined experience with helping companies like yours transform their company culture to create this quick start guide. Of course, all rights reserved.
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Here's a Sneak-Peek Inside What You'll Discover in our Culture Leader's Quick Start Guide
The Purposeful Culture Group helps senior leaders build and sustain uncompromising work cultures.
CEO S. Chris Edmonds and senior consulting partner Mark S. Babbitt are the co-authors of the Amazon best-selling book, Good Comes First.