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You've taken the first step with the Culture Leaders' Quick Learning Guide. Now start building your uncompromising culture—and eliminate quiet quitting sooner—with a 30-Minute Strategy Call, and get your culture leadership journey started with several QUICK WINS for your organization!

ONLY $197! But you must act now...

This first call is normally $600 per hour—with a 1-hour minimum.

Determine your current leadership teams' ability to co-create (and then model) your organization's definition of "good."

Discuss the trends that might be driving your culture further away from ideal (and keeping you up at night).

Identify the teams that are already "contagious pockets of excellence" (and learn how to replicate them througout your organization).

Good Comes First is the new Amazon best-selling book by
S. Chris Edmonds and Mark S. Babbitt.

Good Comes First explains exactly how today's leaders create an uncompromising company culture that doesn't suck!

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